
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Darko Milicic: Should Forget the Disappointment Tied to Name

Here is the news from NBA. I just think about something new here. Let's see what happened.

Wade has said that he would kill someone on the basketball court if he needs. The celtics don't need he committed murder, but they will appreciate the defensive consciousness and habit of box out. A problem the little-used milicic appeared fails to perform his draft state is, he robbed him of his most dipped confidence. Kevin garnett said he sent his own heart, and believe that wade reconstruction wade will benefit from the culture in Boston.

"He had never been in a team like this. He had never been in a men like this," garnett said, according to the ESPN Boston. "He had never been in a case, have so much energy and encouragement."

Give the devil his due, the piston, they are like the current celtics when little-used milicic appeared first started to play - old and stubborn, pride, piston and team environment provides a good 2 rookie easily into the NBA and study his teammates. Maybe wade is not ready to embrace him and then the veteran teammates and learning NBA games. Maybe he will never. Maybe the Boston just for his local outbreak of new roads, different from the one he should have to travel, but production even so.

Milicic first step, think rivers, should forget the disappointment and his name.

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